
The Navaratri festival.

The Navratri festival is a Hindu festival that spans nine nights and is celebrated every year. It is observed for different reasons and celebrated differently in various part of the Indian culture sphere. Theoretically there are four seasonal Navratri . However, in practice  , it is the post mansoon autumn festival call  sharada  navaratri.  Navratri  is most beautiful festival  ever.   the festival is celebrated in the bright half of  the Hindu calendar month Ashvin , which typically fall in the Gregorian months of September and October . in the eastern and northeastern states of India , the durga puja is  synonymous with Navratri. wherein goddess durga battles and emerges victorious  over the buffalo demon to help restore DHARMA. in the northern and western states , the festival is synonymous  Ram Leela and  Dashera that celebrates the battle and victory of god Rama over the demon king Ravana. (West Bengo...

My country India

( culture of tamilnadu )  My country honors   the guest who comes from abroad. This is a historical tradition in my country . India is a nation that is known  today  for it's well known culture. Today people of all caste religion live very well in my country. They respect each other. India is a such a land in the whole world,  where revolutionary people like Bhagat Singh , Rajguru , Sukhdev,  have taken birth. The law of my country is this, that all Indians  are the same. In my country many Gods have been taken birth as a human being . There was a time when man wandered away from his direction , started committing  violence. At that time  lord Sri Vishnu  took birth as  shri Krishna and did public welfare . Lord Krishna  preached a holy book like Bhagvtgeeta . (Traditional Dance in Rajstan)  Bhagvtgeeta is such a religious book that after reading in  detail, the life of a human being changes...